1984 - 2009[]
1984 - 2005[]
Some of these variants were still seen at Nickelodeon Studios until 2005.
Splat version #2 (used by Nickelodeon Productions between 1990 and 1995)
1993 - 2004[]
1998 - 2008[]
2000 - 2004[]
2003 - 2009[]
Splat version #13 (used in Scandinavia)
Splat version #14
Splat version #15
Armpit Fart version #1
Armpit Fart version #2
Bonanza! version
Bonanza! version (shortened) (used as a screenbug in Germany from 2005 - 2007/08)
Buuurrrp! version
Dancing Martian version
Deep Fried version
Disco Derby version
Hand Puppet version
Hot Dog Contest version
Kapow! version
Kapow! version (shortened)
Loooogie version
Monocrome version
My New Best Friend version
Outerspace Pet version
Peace Out, Homey version
Peace Out, Homey version (shortened)
Pink Lemonade version #1
Pink Lemonade version #2
Pink Lemonade version #3
Randy version
Shindig version
Slowpoke version
Snooze version
Snotrocket version
Speed Demon versio
Squirt! version
Squirt! version (shortened)
Treat version (used for Nickelodeon Movies between 2008–2009)
Treat version (shortened)
USA version (used for Kids Pick the President 2008
X version
2006 - 2009[]
These versions were used in tandem with some of the 2003 variants until 2009.
2008 version (used in bumpers and the Nickelodeon Productions "lightbulb" logo)
1984 - 2005[]
Cactus version #1
Cactus version #2
Campfire version
Candy version
Cap version
Car version #1
Car version #2
Car version #3
Car version #4
Car version #5
Car version #6
Carrot version
Castle version
Cat version #1
Cat version #2
Cat head version
Chairs version
Checkmark version
Chicken version #1
Chicken version #2
Chicken version #3
Chimpanzee version #1
Chimpanzee version #2
Christmas ornament version
Christmas tree version #1
Christmas tree version #2
Christmas tree version #3
Clapperboard version (used for Standby: Lights!, Camera!, Action! and Rated K: For Kids By Kids)
Closed eye version
Cloud version #1
Cloud version #2
Cloud version #3
Cloud version #4
Cloud version #5
Cloud version #6
Comet version
Couch version
Cow version #1
Cow version #2
Cowboy boot version
Cowboy hat version
Coyote version
Crab version
Crown version #1
Crown version #2
Crown version #3
Crown version #4
Crown version #5
Crown version #6
Crumpled paper version
Cup and saucer version
Deer version #1
Deer version #2
Diamond version
Dog version #1
Dog version #2
Dog version #3
Dog head version
Dolphin version
Dragon version
Drum version
Drum set version
Duckfeet version
Egg version
Elephant version #1
Elephant version #2
Elephant version #3
Elephant version #4
Explosion version #1
Explosion version #2
Fan version
Feet version (used on the "Gymnast" ID from 1992 - 1996)
Fence version
Ferry boat version
Fire version
Fireworks version
Firecracker version
Fish version #1
Fish version #2
Fish version #3
Fish version #4
Fishbone version
Flag version #1
Flag version #2 (Germany screenbug)
Flag version #3
Flag version #4
Flag version #5
Flag version #6
Flag version #7
Flag version #8
Flower version
Flowerpot version
Foot version (formerly used as the sign of the Nickelodeon Animation Studio)
Foot version #2
Football version #1
Football version #2
Football version #3
Football helmet version
Fountain pen version
Frog version #1
Frog version #2
Frying pan version
Gear version
Ghost version #1
Ghost version #2
Ghost version #3
Ghost version #4
Giraffe version
Glasses version #1 (used in the "Doo-Wop-a-Saurus" ID from 1986 - 1992)
Glasses version #2
Glasses version #3
Globe version
Gnome version
Goose version
Grapes version
Guitar version #1
Guitar version #2
Guitar version #3
Guitar version #4
Hairbow version
Hammer version #1
Hammer version #2
Hand version #1
Hand version #2
Hand version #3
Hands version (used on the "Pattycake" ID from 1984 - 1990)
Haypile version #1 (used by Nickelodeon Productions from 1991 - 2008)
Haypile version #2
Heart version #1
Heart version #2
Heart version #3
Heart and arrow version #1
Helicopter version
Horse version #1
Horse version #2
Horse head version
Hot air balloon version
Hot dog version
House version #1
House version #2
Ice skates version
Island version
Jack-O-Lantern version #1
Jack-O-Lantern version #2
Jack-O-Lantern version #3
Jar and spoon version
Jester version
Key version #1
Key version #2
Kid version
Leaf version #1
Leaf version #2
Leaf version #3
Leaf version #4
Leaf version #5
Leaf version #6
Leopard version
Lightbulb version
Lightning bolt version #1
Lightning bolt version #2
Lightning bolt version #3
Lightning bolt version #4
Limousine version
Lion version
Lizard version #1
Lizard version #2
Lizard version #3
Lizard version #4
Lobster version
Magic wand version
Magnifying glass version
Megaphone version
Microphone version
Milk bottle version
Mistletoe version
Monkey version
Monster version
Moon version
Moose version
Motorcycle version
Mouth version
Movie camera version
Movie theater banner version
Musical note version #1
Musical note version #2
Number 1 version
Number 2 version
Number 3 version
Oceanliner version
Octopus version
OK hand version
Paintbrush version #1
Paintbrush version #2
Paper airplane version
Pawprint version
Pen version #1
Pen version #2
Pencil version
Pie version
Pig version #1
Pig version #2
Piggy bank version
Pirate ship version
Piranha version
Piranha plant version
Planet version
Plus version
Pointing hand version
Poodle version
Present version
Puppet version
Puzzle piece version
Radio version
Ragdoll version
Ragdoll and thought bubble version
Reindeer version
Rhino version
Ribbon version (used in the "Orange You Glad" ID from 1986 - 1991)
Robot version #1
Robot version #2
Rocket version #1
Rocket version #2
Rocket version #3 (shortened)
Roller coaster version
Sailboat version
Santa hat version
Satellite version
Sausage version
Saxophone version
Scattered letters version
School bell version #1
School bell version #2
Scissors version #1
Scissors version #2
Scribble version #1
Scribble version #2
Scribble version #3
Scribble version #4
Seashell version #1
Seashell version #2
Seashell version #3
Seaweed version #1
Seaweed version #2
Shark version #1
Shark version #2
Shark version #3
Sheep version
Shooting star version #1
Shooting star version #2
Shoe version
Shopping cart version #1
Shopping cart version #2
Skateboarder version #1
Skateboarder version #2
Skateboarder version #3
Skull version
Snake version #1
Snake version #2
Snake version #3
Snowflake version #1
Snowflake version #2
Snowflake version #3
Soda bottle version
Speech bubble version #1
Speech bubble version #2
Speech bubble version #3
Speech bubble #4
Speech bubble version #5
Spiky triangle version
Spray can version #1
Spray can version #2
Spring version
Stamp version
Star version #1
Star version #2
Star version #3
Star version #4
Star version #5
Starfish version
Stopwatch version
Submarine version
Sun version #1
Sun version #2
Sun version #3
Sun version #4 (used in the "All the Kids Say" ID from 1993 - 1995)
Sunburst version
Taxi version #1
Taxi version #2
Thought bubble version #1
Thought bubble version #2
Thumbs up version #1
Thumbs up version #2
Ticket version #1
Ticket version #2
Ticket version #3
Toaster version
Toucan version
Tree version #1
Tree version #2
Tree version #3
Triangle version #1
Triangle version #2
Trophy version
Trumpet version #1
Trumpet version #2
Trumpet version #3
Turkey version #1
Turkey version #2
Twin bows version #1
Twin bows version #2
TV version #1
TV version #2
TV version #3
UFO version #1
UFO version #2
UFO version #3
Umbrella version
USA version #1
USA version #2
Wagon train version
Water bucket version
Wave version
Wind version
Window shade version
Witch version
Wolf version
WOW! version
Wreath version
Wrench version #1
Wrench version #2
Zig zag version
1993 - 2003[]
Accordion version
Airplane version #1
Airplane version #2
Airplane version #3
Airplane version #4
Alarm Clock version
Arrow version #1
Arrow version #2
Award ribbon version
Banner version #1
Banner version #2
Bat version (seen on the Aaahh!!! Real Monsters video game)
Birthday cake version
Bolt version
Bone version
Book cover version
Book-Open version
Bug version
Bullhorn version
Burger version
Bush version
Cactus version
Campfire version
Capsule version
Car-Go version
Cat version #1
Cat version #2
Cheese version #1
Cheese version #2
Christmas ornament version
City version #1
City version #2
Comet trail version (used on international prints of early SpongeBob SquarePants episodes)
Computer version #1
Computer version #2
Cow skull version
Crab version
Creamsicle version
Crown version
Dancing duo version
Diver version
Dog version #1
Dog version #2
Dog version #3
Doily version
Dolphin version
Dotted diamond version
Dragon version
Duck version
Electricity version
Exclamation point version
Filmstrip version
Fish version #1
Fish version #2
Fish feet version
Flag version
Fly version
Four balls version
Four circles version
Gator version #1
Gator version #2
Geese bus version
Genie version
Hammer version #1
Hammer version #2
Howling wolf version
Jester version
Key version
Lightbulb version
Lightbulb version #2 (used by Nickelodeon Productions from 1996–2008)
Lightning bolt version #1
Lightning bolt version #2
Lightning bolt version #3
Lightning bolt version #4
Log version
Magic lantern version
Mailbox version
Monster version #1
Monster version #2 (used in the "Never Done Chalk" ID from 1997)
Movie camera version (used by Nickelodeon Movies from 1996 - 1998)
Oceanliner version
Oval version
Paint tube version #1
Paint tube version #2
Palm tree version
Pencil version (used for ChalkZone and Nickelodeon Replay in the UK)
Pie version
Planet version #1
Planet version #2
Planet version #3
Planet version #4
Planetarium version #1
Planetarium version #2
Puzzle piece version
Race car version
Robot version #1 (used as the logo for MTV Networks International from 2002-2004)
Robot version #2
Rocketship version #1 (used as the logo for Nickelodeon Animation Studio)
Rocketship version #2
Rocketship version #3
Saw version #1
Saw version #2
Scissors version #1
Scissors version #2
Shooting star version
Small capsules version
Smoke version #1
Smoke version #2
Space car version
Speech bubble version #1
Speech bubble version #2
Speech bubble version #3
Speech bubble version #4
Speech bubble version #5
Speech bubble version #6
Spider version #1
Spider version #2
Sprout version
Star version #1
Star version #2
Star version #2 (shortened)
Sun version
Telephone version #1
Telephone version #2
Telephone version #3
Telescope version
Thought bubble version
Tugboat version (used in the "Never Done Chalk" ID from 1997)
Turkey version
Whale version
Wiggly worms version
1997 - 2004[]
Arrow version #1
Arrow version #2
Astroman version
Astroship version
Aztec bird version
Banner bunny version
Beaker version
Big business version
Big tuna version
Birdhouse version
Birthday cake version (used to promote Nickelodeon's 20th anniversary in 1999)
Bug version #1
Bug version #2
Bug version #3
Bug version #4
Bug version #5
Butterfly version
Circus banner version
Cloud version (used on the 1998 Nickelodeon Logo Logic Guide)
Clown version
Comet version
Cowlick version #1 (used for Rocket Power)
Cowlick version #2 (formerly used as the sign for Nickelodeon Suites Resort in Orlando)
Dog version
Dragon feet version
Eight heads version
Fallingman version
Foot version (used in the logo of Nickelodeon Movies between 1998 - 2000)
Frizzy hair smile version
Funny car version
Garbage truck version (used on a 1998 CatDog ID)
Horse version
Mr. Bubbles version #1
Mr. Bubbles version #2
Mouse version #1
Mouse version #2
Muscleman version
Nubby version
Oceanliner version
Oddbird version
Paramecium version
Planet version
Robot version
Rocketship version #1 (used for The Adventures of Jimmy Neutron: Boy Genius)
Rocketship version #2
Rocketship version #3 (used for Nickelodeon Blast Zone at Universal Studios Hollywood)
Royal Creature smiling version
Sheep version
Six pack version
Sphinx version
Strongman version
Tribble version
Tulip version
Turtle version
TV smiling version
UFO version
Windbag version
2000 - 2007[]
Amoeba version
Apple version
Art canvas version #1
Art canvas version #2
Back and forth version
Baroque version
Beads version
Calder version
Canned food version
Cloud version
Construction version
Crystal version
Echo version
Electron version #1
Electron version #2 (used for SLAM!)
Electron version #3 (shortened)
Emblem version
Escape version
Evolution version #1
Evolution version #2
Evolution version #3 (shortened)
Evolution version #4 (shortened)
Fence version
Flag version
Flower version #1
Flower version #2
Frontier version #1
Frontier version #2
Heart and arrow version
Leaf version #1
Leaf version #2
Monster version #1
Monster version #2
Radishes version
Reading version
Rotary blade version
Scary cat version
Snowflake version (shortened)
Soft ribs version
Star version
Surfing version
Swirl version #1
Swirl version #2
Swirl version #3
Traffic version
Turkey version
UFO version
Whirlwind version #1
Whirlwind version #2
2002 - 2004[]
2006 - 2010 (Australia and New Zealand)[]
Splash version
Burst version
Kid version
Octopus version
Paparazzi version
Silver fern version (shortened)
Grass pile version (shortened)
Logo used in the Plug bumper.
Show-exclusive logos[]
Airplane version (used for Rugrats in Paris: The Movie)
Arrow version (used for Drake & Josh)
Baby bottle version (used on Rugrats merchandise)
Brush stroke version (used for Avatar: The Last Airbender)
Bug version #1 (used for Aaahh!!! Real Monsters)
Bug version #2 (used for Aaahh!!! Real Monsters)
Burst version (used for Inside-Out Boy)
Butterfly version (used on international prints of Dora the Explorer)
Clapperboard version (used for Standby: Lights!, Camera!, Action!)
Crown version (used for The Fairly OddParents)
Count Duckula version
Eagle version (used for The Mysterious Cities of Gold)
Enterprise version (used for Star Trek: The Animated Series)
Flower version (used for The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie)
Gadget version (used for Inspector Gadget)
Ghost version (used for Danny Phantom)
Heathcliff version
Jellyfish version (used on SpongeBob SquarePants merchandise until 2008)
Kid version (used for Guts)
Leaf-bitten version (used for The Wild Thornberrys)
Minivan version (used for Natalie's Backseat Traveling Web Show)
Pinwheel version
Scribble version (used for ChalkZone)
Speech bubble version (used for Hey Arnold!)
Swirl version (used for Tak 2: The Staff of Dreams)
Test tube version (used for Mr. Wizard's World)
Sombrero version (used for the pilot episode of El Tigre: The Adventures of Manny Rivera) Bản mẫu:SVG needed