
20th Television Animation (formerly Fox Television Animation) is an American animation studio that creates, develops and produces animated television series, specials and other projects primarily for the Fox Broadcasting Company. It is a division of Walt Disney Television through 20th Television, as part of Disney Television Studios.

Fox Television Animation[]


Logopedia InfoWhite NO KNOWN LOGO

The studio was established in 1999. Its first project was the continued production of Family Guy for its second season, which it took over from the series' previous home at Film Roman for season one. The studio would become the home of future animated series co-created by Seth MacFarlane: American Dad! and The Cleveland Show. In 2016, Fox Television Animation assumed production of The Simpsons from season 28 onwards, taking over from the previously mentioned Film Roman.

No logo was used, only an in-credit notice. Usually reading "Produced at Fox Television Animation"

20th Television Animation[]


20th Television Animation 2021

In 2020, Disney rebranded Fox Television Animation as 20th Television Animation as part of a merger requirement to drop the "Fox" name from the acquired assets to avoid brand confusion with Fox Corporation. It initially did not have a logo until March 30, 2021, when Disney announced that 20th Television Animation was relaunched as a standalone unit from 20th Television.

See also[]
