ABC was originally a department store created under the umbrella of Abastible (owned by Empresas Copec) selling equipment powered by gas, and later specializing in consumer electronics, until merging with Din and becoming Abcdin in 2008. Its future incarnation will be as a general department store, after the acquisition of Abcdin by La Polar.
In 2006, ABC was bought by the Yaconi Santa Cruz group, owners of Din, and merged them to form Abcdin in 2008.
The ABC name and brand wouldn't be used again until 2024, after the acquisition of Abcdin by La Polar, who will merge both stores and adopt the name ABC.
abc (third era)[]
2025 (tentative)[]
September 3, 2024 (reveal)
This logo was presented to INAPI (the Chilean Institute of Intelectual Property) on June 2024. On July 12, 2024, La Polar and AD Retail informed to the Financial Market Commission of Chile that on July 26, 2024, an extraordinary shareholders meeting is going to vote the change of name to abc S.A. (stylized in lowercase), which would replace La Polar and Abcdin brands.[1] The new brand is expected to be launched in 2025.[2] The font was similar to the American Broadcasting Company but it's more lighter.