This page only shows primary logo variants.
For other related logos and images, see:
1934–1945 1945–1962 1962–1967 1967–1977 1977–2013 2013–present
1934–1945 1945–1962 1962–1967 1967–1977 1977–2013 2013–present

American Airlines is a major airline in the United States headquartered in Fort Worth, Texas, within the Dallas–Fort Worth metroplex. It is the largest airline in the world when measured by scheduled passengers carried, revenue passenger mile, and daily flights.


American Airlines logo 1934
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American Airlines logo 1945
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American Airlines logo 1962
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American Airlines - 1967
Designer:  Massimo Vignelli and
Heinz Waibl of
Unimark International;
Henry Dreyfuss (eagle)
Typography:  Helvetica
Launched:  1967

Originally the airline's logo was to only contain the red and blue “AA”. Due to insider controversy over the removal of the ever-present eagle symbol, a stylized one, designed by Henry Dreyfuss, was added.


American Airlines logo

In 1977, the eagle was simplified, removing its eye. The accompanying wordmark, now joined, began to be used more often with the symbol. It is one of five founding members of the Oneworld airline alliance; the other four being British Airways, Canadian Airlines, Cathay Pacific and Qantas.


American Airlines logo 2013
Designer:  FutureBrand
Typography:  American Sans (custom-designed)
Launched:  January 17, 2013

Known as the 'Flight Symbol' — it contains the eagle, the star, and an 'A', with refreshed shades of red, white and blue. In 2013, American Airlines merged with US Airways but kept the American Airlines name, as it was the better-recognized brand internationally; the combination of the two airlines resulted in the creation of the largest airline in the United States, and ultimately the world.

External links[]

Trans World Airlines
US Airways
American Airlines