B2W Digital [ ]
2007–2021 [ ]
B2W was formed when the Brazilian retail company Lojas Americanas bought the TV channel Shoptime from Globosat and the online store Submarino and merged both companies into Americanas.com , split from the department store chain.
americanas sa [ ]
2021-present [ ]
In June 2021, the merger between B2W Digital and Lojas Americanas S.A. was approved, creating americanas sa , for both online and physical retail.
americanas sa
Predecessors :
Lojas Americanas S.A. | B2W Digital
americanas :
E-commerce : Mercado | Mundo | Mais (Benefits program) | Delivery | Entrega Flash
Physical stores : Express | Digital
B2B : Marketplace | Entrega | Empresas | Advertising
Private-label brands : Basic+ (Care ) | Brink+ | Café Local | Casual /Classic Home | Christmas Traditions | D'elicce | Dental Clear | DPX | First Steps | Home /Office /School Basics | Leven | Life Zone | Luk | Meemo | Orb | Strong Tools | TMV | Ziman
Shoptime :
Shoptime Prime
Private-label brands : Fun Kitchen | La Cuisine | Casa e Conforto
Submarino :
Submarino Prime | Skoob (Clube )
Hortifruti Natural da Terra :
Hortifruti (Leve ) | Natural da Terra (Leve )
Leve & Natural (Benefits program)
Ame Digital :
Go | Pro | Drive | Fast Forward
Uni.co (70%):
Imaginarium | Puket | Casa MinD | Guten | Lovebrands
VEM Conveniência 1 (50%):
Local Americanas | BR Mania
Other :
Soub! | Supermercado Now | Let's — Logística e Distribuição | IF - Inovação e Futuro | Instituto Juntos Somos Mais Solidários
Former/Defunct :
Lanchonete Lojas Americanas | Facilita | Walmart 2 | Blockbuster 3 | Ingresso.com 4 | Submarino Viagens 5
1 Joint-venture with Vibra Energia .
2 Joint-venture with the U.S. Walmart from 1994 to 1997.
3 Joint-venture with the U.S. Blockbuster .
4 Currently owned by Comcast /NBCUniversal , through Fandango .
5 Currently owned by CVC Corp .