1995 (SNES prototype) | 1996 (N64 prototype) | Early 1997 | 1997 (unused) | 1997–1998 (pre-release) |
Project Dream[]
Dream: Land of Giants[]
1995 (SNES prototype)[]
Banjo-Kazooie was originally known as "Dream: Land of Giants" (Codenamed "Project Dream") during its developing phase. It was planned as an RPG video game for the Super Nintendo.
1996 (N64 prototype)[]
When the production moved for the Nintendo 64, the game's tone shifted to "piratey theme" due the production team felt that the "fairy tale world" would be to childish and not really appealing to a variety of audiences. Therefore "Land of Giants" was dropped from the title.
Early 1997 (Beta)[]
The concept of Dream was reimagined in 1997, the pirate-theme changed to an action-oriented adventure 2.5D plataformer game and was retitled as Kazoo.
1997 (unused)[]
In March 1997, the game was revamped as a full 3D game and the name was again changed to "Banjo-Kazoo". This title didn't last long either, since the name "Kazoo" was already copyrighted.
1997–1998 (pre-release)[]
This early version of the logo can be seen in some teaser trailers from Space World 1997.