Official titles:
1942 | Vietnam | 2 | 2142 | Bad Company | 1943 | Bad Company 2 | 3 | 4 | Hardline | 1 | V | 2042
Spin-off titles:
2: Modern Combat | Heroes | Online | Play4Free
Expansion, Booster Packs, Chapters & Seasons:
1942: The Road to Rome | 1942: Secret Weapons of WWII | 2: Special Forces | 2: Euro Force | 2: Armored Fury | 2142: Northern Strike | Bad Company 2: Vietnam | 3: Back to Karkand | 3: Close Quarters | 3: Armored Kill | 3: Aftermath | 3: Endgame | 4: China Rising | 4: Second Assault | 4: Naval Strike | 4: Dragon's Teeth | 4: Final Stand | 4: Operations | 4: Night Operations | 4: Community Operations | 4: Legacy Operations | Hardline: Criminal Activity | Hardline: Robbery | Hardline: Blackout | Hardline: Getaway | Hardline: Betrayal | 1: They Shall Not Pass | 1: In the Name of the Tsar | 1: Turning Tides | 1: Apocalypse | V: Overture | V: Lightning Strikes | V: Trial By Fire | V: Defying The Odds | V: Battlefest | V: War in the Pacific | V: Into The Jungle | V: Summer Update | 2042: Season One
Cut Content:
V: The Fall of Europe
EA DICE | Easy Studios | Neowiz Games