This page only shows primary logo variants.
For other related logos and images, see:
2016–2017 (channel productions) 2016–2019 2019–2020 2020–2022 2022–2024 2024–present
2016–2017 (channel productions) 2016–2019 2019–2020 2020–2022 2022–2024 2024–present

Canal IPe (formerly known as IPe-Identidad Peruana) is a children's television channel launched on July 1, 2016, replacing TV Perú 7.4 following the success of its children's programming on its main station and is owned by the IRTP.

IPe Identidad Peruana[]

2016–2017 (channel productions)[]

IPe Identidad Peruana logo 2016 usado para producciones

This logo was only used on channel productions, and not applied as a screen bug.


IPe 2016

IPe was first launched on July 1, 2016 with this logo; occasionally, a variant was used without the full name.

Canal IPe[]



IPe 2019

On September 30, 2019, six months after the change of the TV Peru logo, the logo was renewed, removing the colors and replacing them with a gradient pink color and also removing the full name, as much of the target audience referred to the channel as IPe instead of IPe-Identidad Peruana.


IPe 2020


Canal IPe 2022


Canal IPe 2024 vector
TV Perú 7.4
Canal IPe