1955–1962 1962–1965 1965–1976 1976–1999 1999–present
1955–1962 1962–1965 1965–1976 1976–1999 1999–present

First National City Bank[]

The First National City Bank of New York was created in 1955 by the merger of The National City Bank of New York and the First National Bank of New York.


The First National City bank 1955 logo


First National City Bank 1970


First National City Bank


1976–1999; 1976–2007 (Argentina); 1976–2010 (Venezuela)[]

Citibank old logo
Designer:  Dan Friedman of
Anspach Grossman Portugal
Typography:  Helvetica (modified)
Launched:  March 1, 1976

In 1976, First National City Bank officially started calling itself Citibank, a name to which it had been referred to for a long time, but spelled like its parent Citicorp.[1] A new identity and logos for both Citibank and Citicorp were created and designed by Dan Friedman from Anspach Grossman Portugal of New York. This logo was gradually replaced worldwide with the current logo in early 2000s, with Argentina and Venezuela being the last countries to use this logo until 2007 and 2010, respectively.


Designer:  Paula Scher of
Typography:  Interstate
Launched:  October 1999

In October 1999, Citibank changed its logo to match with the current Citigroup logo. The "Live richly." campaign in the United States was introduced with this logo in 2001. This logo was based on the 1999 Citigroup logo, which formed after Citicorp merged with Travelers Inc. in 1998. This logo was designed by Paula Scher from Pentagram, who created the logo for Citibank originally on a napkin within 10 minutes. Her partners were weary that their client (Citibank) would not pay for something created so quickly. They sell their design process. Scher replied that she was selling ten minutes of her entire life's experience.[1] This logo is currently used worldwide since 2001 (along with the 1999 Citigroup 'Travelers umbrella' logo and then the 1999 Citigroup 'Citi' logo).

Another Citibank logo was quietly unveiled in March of 2023. The text of the logo is slightly modified and the logo is used in some countries including:

  1. Singapore (the new logo and modified Interstate text is used on promos and ATMs¹ only)
  2. America (used on the Citigroup page; the new logo is used, along with the custom typography and the Citibank page, where both the new logo and modified Interstate text is used.)

¹ A full version of the 2023 logo is used on Citibank ATMs in Singapore.

The National City Bank of New York
First National Bank of New York