1934–1937 1937–1960 1960–1967 1967–1991 1991–2012
1934–1937 1937–1960 1960–1967 1967–1991 1991–2012

Continental Airlines (simply known as Continental) was a major airline in the United States that operated from 1934 until it merged with United Airlines in 2012. It had ownership interests and brand partnerships with several carriers.

Varney Speed Lines[]


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Continental Airlines[]


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Continental Airlines 1965
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Continental Airlines old
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Designer:  Saul Bass
Typography:  Custom
Launched:  October 15, 1967


Continental Airlines
Designer:  Joe Finocchiaro,
Roger van den Bergh, and
Constance Birdsall for
Lippincott & Margulies
Typography:  Perpetua
Launched:  February 12, 1991

On 12th February 1991, Continental unveiled a new logo and livery. The logo shows a part of a globe with highlighted longitudes and latitudes. The new look was the result of 14 months of research and design by Lippincott & Margulies in New York.

“We want to send a strong signal to the world that we are new and improved, that we are strong and that we are putting the negative events of the past behind us”
Continental chairman Hollis Harris in an article

In 2004, Continental entered the SkyTeam alliance along with Northwest/KLM and CSA. In 2009, Continental left SkyTeam to join Star Alliance. In April 2010, Continental announced that plans to merge with United Airlines. The combined entity adopted the United name and Continental's visual identity. The merger occurred on the 30th November 2011 and Continental ceased operations and merged with United Airlines on 3rd March 2012.

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Texas International

People Express Airlines (1981)
Frontier Airlines (former)

Continental Airlines
United Airlines