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Doce is the name of the first Portuguese girls group. This girls group was created with the intention of winning Festival RTP da Canção to become a successfully band, and actually they can win in 1982 with the song "Bem Bom". This group had four members: Fátima Padinha and Tesesa Miguel (from Gemini) and Helena Coelho and Laura Diogo. From 1985 to 1986, they had another member who twice replaced other members of the group, Fernanda de Sousa (also known as Ágata). Tozé Brito and Mike Seargent (also from Gemini) were the writers/composers of the band songs. The publisher of this band was PolyGram.

1979–1987; 2020[]

Doce 1979
Designer:  Nuno Nolasco
Typography:  Custom type
Launched:  September 1979

Even though this band was finished in 1987, they launched a new compilation album in 2020, called O Melhor.
