

In 1994, the nationwide block for the TVP's regional afiliates got many names (TVP Regionalna, Telewizja Regionalna, Twoja Regionalna Telewizja, Pasmo wspólne etc.)




The program "TVP3 Regionalna" was created on the basis of TVP Regionalna, where regional centers of TVP, alongside their own regional bands/blocks, broadcast the common nationwide block. In autumn 2000 regional afiliates used the "TVP3" logo. This did not mean the appearance of TVP3 - this treatment was only meant to inform viewers that "they watch regional television, one of twelve". These logos also informed viewers that "Telewizja Regionalna TVP" is the "third program of Polish Television". In the March 3, 2002 TVP3 is launched, replacing the existing regional programs in Poland. It was treated as one program with an information and news profile, with local blocks.



3rd of March 2002, at 7:00am, the information formula of TVP3 Regionalna was started. The main program in the station was "Kurier" - news for regions, Poland and world. At the same day, TVP3 was re-branding for the new graphics. This re-brand was named "Squares". New identifical graphics was creating by Schwartz, and music for idents and intros of information programmes was composed by Janusz Stokłosa.

And below we see the course of the main ident, who was always used when you connect to a regional or national program TVP3.

Here are examples of this idents for TVP3 regional channels.


However, the identical graphics TVP3 be changed at that time, and a few times.


In the March 7, 2003, TVP3 - along with other channels TVP, changed its logo. It's in the color green, and the all regions has as any logo already TVP3 logo, and under it the name of the city written in large letters. That day also TVP3 started the process of changing visuals programs. Changes include both binding programs and production design studio TVP3. Starting from March 7th on TV screens popping up new graphics, the so-called. Loops, new scrolls on which the text is displayed, the new idents/bumpers, among others, current affairs programs and the advertising block. This graphics was an important number "3" for the new logo in the main role, presenting a variety of background images.

And this here, examples of regional idents for the new identity of TVP3. The music for this idents was not changed, it this the same was from 2002.

At the year 2004, TVP3 was re-branded again, but music for idents 2003 was not changed.


March 26, 2005, it started a new, spring, graphic image TVP3. This time it was a big change, as prepared graphics is a very modern and timeless. Color that will dominate this here channel is green, but really, you get ready for a colorful feast. Meals best eaten with good music, but we are prepared for it. All jingle and cut scenes are decorated with interesting, easy catchy audio ID, so that the identification of the station was particularly expressive. Whereas the leitmotif of our graphics are colorful ellipse that perform specific television dance. Most intriguing is how the interesting combinations appear on the screen and how fun can be transformed. The antenna graphics contains many idents, commercial break jingles or longer animations before "connecting the strand local / nationwide" was created by Schwartz, which is the same as created earlier re-brand for 2002 of that channel.

At that moment, the leaders before connecting for the regions and national TVP3 block, also was changed. Here is the most of them.


On 1 January 2007, TVP3 changed its graphics for the channel and its news program "Kurier". The idents were created by design agency Abstract. The rebrand contained the color red, which then was used in TVP3s successor, TVP Info.

2013-2016 (TVP Regionalna)

