Gojek (Vietnam)
Transport and delivery services:
GoRide | GoCar | GoBluebird | GoSend | GoBox
Food and shopping services:
GoFood | GoMed | GoMart | GoShop
GoTo Financial
Payment services:
GoPay (Coins) | GoBills | GoPulsa | GoPayLater | GoInvestasi | GoTagihan | GoGive | GoSure | GoCorp | Coins.ph
Business and financial solutions:
Mapan | Midtrans | Selly | Moka | GoBiz (Plus) | Dhanapala | Findaya | GoStore | GoModal
Tokopedia (25%)1
Mitra | Nyam! | Parents | Salam | Bridestory | Tokopedia Play
Other assets and investments:
GoTo Logistics | Promogo | AirCTO | Halodoc | MPPA Retail Group | Bank Jago | Bluebird | Pluang | JD.ID | Net Visi Media | Majamojo | Electrum
Former/defunct assets:
GoLife (GoMassage | GoClean | GoAuto | GoGlam | GoLaundry | GoDaily | GoFix) | GoDeals | GoPoints | GoFood Festival | Gojek Thailand | Ovo | GoPlay | GoToko2 | GoStudio | GoGames | GoTix | Loket | TokoMart
1Majority owned by TikTok (ByteDance)
2Joint venture with Unilever