Food and drink: Müller Asia | Müller International | Müller UK & Ireland (Yogurt & Desserts | Milk & Ingredients | Milk & More) | Müller Wiseman | Müller Quaker Dairy1 | Molkerei Weihenstephan | Mlékárna Pragolaktos | T.M.A.
Current brands
Müller products: Müller Amore | Müller Bliss | Müller Corner | Müller FrütUp | Müllerlight | Müller Little Stars | Müller Light | Müller Rice | Müller Vitality | Müller Vegan
Homann brands: Lisner | Homann | Nadler | Hamker | Nordsee
Other brands: Almhof | Bönsel | Frijj | Harzbube | Käserei Loose | Landliebe | Pragolaktos | R'Activ | Rusack | Sachsenmilch | St Ivel | Weihenstephan
1Joint venture with PepsiCo.