Magna is a Chilean credit card brand conceived in 1986 by Fincard (then owned by Sebastian Piñera, president of Chile between 2010-2014, and 2018-2022) targeted to mid and low-classes population. Since 1993, Santander owns Magna after purchasing Fincard.
Although it's still advertised, and even got a rebrand in 2017, the credit card is not issued to new customers.
Africa (Attijariwafa Bank) | Argentina | Australia | Austria | Belgium | Brazil (Superdigital) | Chile (Superdigital, Magna) | China | Colombia | Denmark | Finland | France | Germany | Hong Kong | Italy | Japan | Luxembourg | Netherlands | Norway | Peru | Poland | Portugal | Puerto Rico | Mexico | Singapore | South Korea | Spain (Pastor / Popular / Openbank / WiZink) | Sweden | Switzerland | UK | Uruguay (Creditel) | USA PagoNxt: Ebury | Getnet | Mercury Defunct: Abbey | Banco Noroeste | Banco Real (Banco América do Sul | Sudameris) | Banco Santiago (Banco O'Higgins) | Banespa | Bradford and Bingley | Santander Meridional Former: Alliance & Leicester | Banco de Venezuela |