part of Groupe Casino
Extra (Mercado | Mini) | Clube Extra ( | Posto
Pão de Açúcar (Minuto | Adega | Fresh) | | Mais
Other: Aliado Minimercado | James Delivery
Private-label brands
Multi-category brands: Qualitá | Pra Valer
Houseware/Furniture: Finlandek1
Food: Taeq | Casino1 | Confraria | Caras do Brasil | Cheftime
Beverages: Fábrica 1959 | Club des Sommeliers1
Apparel: Arkitect1 | Bambini | Boomy | Bronzini | Cast
Other assets Multivarejo | Stix | GPA Malls | Instituto GPA
Retail: Casas Bahia | Pontofrio |
Financial services: banQi
Furniture manufacturing: Bartira
Others: Retira Rápido | Fundação Via Varejo
Former/Defunct: | VVAtacado
1Brand licensed from former parent company GPA.
Supermercados Compre Bem | Assaí Atacadista2 (Passaí Cred) | CB Contact Center3 | Sendas (Bon Marché) | ABC CompreBem | Eletroradiobraz | Extra (Hiper | Drogaria | Eletro | Praça Ramos) | Jumbo (Brazil | Portugal4) | Minibox | Pão de Açúcar (Drogaria | Portugal3) | Sandiz | Superbox
1Brand owned by Groupe Casino on a global level.
2Spun off from GPA, but still owned by Groupe Casino.
3Now part of Atento.
4Owned by Auchan since 1996.