1926–1953 1954–1959 1959–1965 1965–1975 1976–1979 1979–1986 1986–2004
1926–1953 1954–1959 1959–1965 1965–1975 1976–1979 1979–1986 1986–2004

NBC Radio Network was an American commercial radio network founded on November 15, 1926. Before 1942 it was NBC Red Network along with NBC Blue Network, becoming one of the first two nationwide networks established in the U.S. with its competitor Columbia Broadcasting System.


NBC Radio Red Network

The first logo for the National Broadcasting Company was launched on November 15, 1926 for five years, and featured a Western Electric carbon microphone surrounded by lightning bolts, superimposed over a map of the continental United States. Overneath are featured the three initial letters: NBC. The logo was featured in three colors: red for the Red Network (station WEAF), blue for the Blue network (station WJZ) which later become ABC in the 1940s, and black for other purposes.

Due to expanded radio network across the United States which resulted a difficult communication of the identity between the network headquarters and affiliated radio stations, NBC used for the first time by using its signature sound for between two programs (after the first program ends and before the second begins) to make faster and cheaper radio communication. Between 1927 and 1928, NBC used the seven-note chimes (G-C-F-E-G-C-E) which resulted a complex right note order for the announcers. In 1929 NBC simplified with four notes (G-C-F-E), and later on November 29th the iconic three-note chimes were first played: G-E-C, all of this when this logo was used. The NBC chimes was inspired by the initials of the parent company at the time, GE.[1]

1928–1942 (Secondary)[]

NBC 1931

In 1931, NBC introduced its second logo: a square with a diagonal NBC text in it, and lightning bolts around the "B".


NBC - 1943

In 1942, NBC introduced its third logo, a microphone surrounded by lightning bolts, which was a modification of the original 1926 logo used by the NBC radio network. Lightning bolts were also part of the logo of corporate parent RCA, as well as that of one-time sister company RKO Pictures. The waves on the left side were meant for the radio network, and the right waves were meant for the television network.


NBC logo 1954

In late 1953, a xylophone and mallet started being used for the logo, with the now-iconic three tone "GEC" jingle. Contrary to popular belief, the keys were not meant to represent the initials of the network's eventual owner, General Electric Company (GEC).

YouTube: NBC chime ident (1954)



NBC Logo 1959

In the fall of 1959, NBC unveiled its "snake" logo.


NBC Radio 1959

NBC Radio changed their logo around 1965.



NBC Radio 1976
Designer:  Lippincott & Margulies
Typography:  Neue Haas Grotesk
Launched:  January 1, 1976




NBC Radio Network (1986)

The NBC Radio Network itself no longer exists under its original configuration, having been gradually dissolved into eventual corporate parent Westwood One.

