In 1994, a part of NOS split off to form NPS (Nederlands Programma Stichting).
On September 3, 2008, NPS adopted a new logo. The broadcaster had realised that it needed a stronger identity not to have its funding cut. The new logo is based on a window made up of a circle with the NPS name in it, through which various images can be seen.
There are eleven basic versions of the logo representing various programming genres. There is also a greyscale version and one completely white version for use on coloured backgrounds.
The look was created by KesselsKramer.
- Huisstijl - NPS
- Kesselskramer ontwerpt nieuwe identiteit NPS - Molblog, September 8, 2008
- NPS in de metamorfose - Reclameweek, September 11, 2008
On September 1, 2010, NPS merged with Teleac and RVU to form NTR. Some aspects of the NPS identity are inherited by NTR.
Television channels NPO 1 | NPO 2 | NPO 3/NPO Zapp/NPO Zappelin | BVN Digital theme-channels (NPO Themakanalen) Radio stations Online/Multimedia Current broadcasters NOS newscasts: Journaal | Jeugdjournaal | op 3 | Stories Former/merged broadcasters |