National Geographic Wild, originally Nat Geo Wild, was launched in India on 30 June 2010 along with six other Fox channels: Nat Geo Music, Nat Geo Adventure (later Nat Geo People), BabyTV, Fox Crime, FX and National Geographic HD.[1][2] All of the other six channels, except National Geographic HD and BabyTV HD, have been shut down or discontinued in India.1
Initially, the Southeast Asian feeds of these channels were shown in India, though local Indian feeds were introduced for most of them in later years. In February 2016, dedicated Indian feeds were introduced for National Geographic HD and Nat Geo Wild (SD and HD), along with a Hindi audio feed for the latter.2
On 27 January 2020, Nat Geo Wild in India rebranded to National Geographic Wild, in line with its international counterparts.
On 27 January 2020, Nat Geo Wild in India rebranded to National Geographic Wild, in line with its international counterparts. The new on-screen logo drops the words Nat(ional) Geo(graphic), keeping only Wild instead. This is used as and alternative logo for the american feed.
HD logo
Fox Crime and FX got dedicated Indian feeds in 2012, but Fox Crime shut down in 2015, and FX followed in 2017 (along with FX’s HD feed, which had been launched in late 2015, and Star Movies Action). The SD versions of Nat Geo Music, Nat Geo People and BabyTV—which always had an international feed, and never a dedicated Indian feed—were withdrawn from India in February 2019 after the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India’s new channel packaging rules. The HD versions of Nat Geo People and Music were withdrawn in June 2019[3] and were replaced by full-fledged Tamil and Telugu versions of National Geographic.[4] BabyTV HD is still running in India.
Dedicated Indian feeds for Fox Networks Group channels were announced in 2014[5][6] and launched on 1 February 2016.[7][8] At the same time, a Hindi audio feed was introduced for Nat Geo Wild, with Tamil and Telugu audio feeds being launched subsequently.[9]