This page only shows primary logo variants.
For other related logos and images, see:
2000–2002 2002-2003 2003–2008 2008–2014 2014–2017 2017–present
2000–2002 2002-2003 2003–2008 2008–2014 2014–2017 2017–present


Oxygen logo 2000
Designer:  Haig Bedrossian of
Hatmaker (logo)
Cuppa Coffee, Crossroads Television, PMcD Design, and Taffetdesign (on-air)
Typography:  Bodoni
Launched:  February 1, 2000

Oxygen's original identity was developed by Hatmaker. The channel's on-air design was supplied by the same company along with four companies working together; Cuppa Coffee, Crossroads Television, PMcD Design, and Taffetdesign.

“The final logo reflects the power of suggestion - subtle strength. Parantheses and an all-lower case type give the logo a soft, almost whispering fell, much like the element. The "o" takes on dominance as a perfect circle. In its "vapor" application, the logo is revealed by a changing background, supporting the concept of an ever-present element of life.”
Chris Goveia, Visual Thesaurus: A Quick-Flip Brainstorming Tool for Graphic Designers


Oh! Oxygen Red
Designer:  Dale Pon of
Dale Pon Advertising
Typography:  Futura Extra Bold (oh!)
Times New Roman (Oxygen)
Launched:  November 4, 2002

Oxygen later began to focus chiefly on reality shows, reruns, and movies and adopted an alternate name, "oh!". The logo could be in many different colors, such as red, blue, green, purple and pink.


Oxygen logo pink
Logopedia InfoWhite SVG NEEDED
Designer:  Trollbäck & Company
Typography:  Futura Extra Bold (Oh!)
Avenir (The, Network)
Times New Roman (Oxygen)
Launched:  July 2003

This logo could be presented in a variety of colors and configurations like its predecessor. In late 2007, the "Oh!" was dropped from the logo following NBCUniversal's purchase of the network, though the website kept the "Oh!" brand.


Oxygen logo 2008
Designer:  Troika Design Group
Typography:  Times New Roman (modified)
Launched:  June 8, 2008

A new logo was introduced on June 8, 2008, replacing the "Oh!" name. The font is a modified version of Times New Roman.


Oxygen 2014
Designer:  Eloisa
Typography:  Code Pro
Launched:  July 14, 2014

During the Television Critics Association's summer press tour on July 14, 2014, Oxygen unveiled a network rebranding as part of the network's efforts to attract a younger female audience. The rebranding, which features a new logo and tagline ("Very Real"), took effect across all of Oxygen's platforms on October 7.


Oxygen 2017
Designer:  Trollbäck & Company
YouTooCanWoo (music)
Typography:  DIN Condensed (logo & on-air)
Times (on-air)
Launched:  May 11, 2017 (reveal)
July 19, 2017 (on-air)

A new logo was unveiled on May 11, 2017 to reflect the channel's rebranding as a crime-oriented network. The logo later took effect on July 19, 2017.
