This channel was launched on May 2021, to limited subscribers of Cyfrowy Polsat (now Polsat Box). After the rebranding of Polsat on August 30, 2021, the channel didn't change its logo.
Telewizja Polsat
Entertainment channels: Sport channels: News channels: Music channels: Knowledge channels: Channels that are available to a limited number of subscriptions on Polsat Box: TV programs: National newscasts: Television and digital platforms: Telecommunications and other assets: Former/Defunct assets
Polsat Futbol | Polsat Sport 2 | Polsat Sport 3 | Polsat Volleyball (1 | 2 | 3 | 4) | Muzo.tv | Muzyczny Relaks | Junior | Ona | On | Komedia | Info | Filmax | Teleuniwersytet | ATM Rozrywka Notes