Rocket Mania! is a puzzle video game developed by Belgian studio Nuclide Games and published by PopCap Games.
Amazing Adventures: Amazing Adventures: Around the World | Amazing Adventures: The Caribbean Secret | Amazing Adventures: The Forgotten Dynasty | Amazing Adventures: The Forgotten Ruins | Amazing Adventures: The Lost Tomb | Amazing Adventures: Riddle of the Two Knights
Main Series: Bejeweled (Mobile) | Bejeweled 2 | Bejeweled 3 (Classic · LIVE) Spin-off Series: Bejeweled Twist | Bejeweled Blitz (LIVE) | Bejeweled 3D | Bejeweled Legend | Bejeweled Stars | Bejeweled Champions Upcoming: Bejeweled 4
Bookworm: Bookworm | Bookworm Adventures | Bookworm Adventures: Volume 2 | Bookworm Mobile
Chuzzle: Chuzzle | Chuzzle Mobile
Escape: Escape the Emerald Star | Escape Rosecliff Island | Escape Whisper Valley
Feeding Frenzy: Feeding Frenzy | Feeding Frenzy 2 | Feeding Frenzy 2: Shipwreck Showdown
Mahjong Escape: Mahjong Escape: Ancient China | Mahjong Escape: Ancient Japan
Mystery P.I.: Mystery P.I.: The Curious Case of Counterfeit Cove | Mystery P.I.: The London Caper | Mystery P.I.: Lost in Los Angeles | Mystery P.I.: The Lottery Ticket | Mystery P.I.: The New York Fortune | Mystery P.I.: Portrait of a Thief | Mystery P.I.: Stolen in San Francisco | Mystery P.I.: The Vegas Heist
Peggle: Peggle | Peggle Mobile | Peggle Nights | Peggle 2 | Peggle Blast
Plants vs. Zombies: Plants vs. Zombies | Plants vs. Zombies HD | Plants vs. Zombies Adventures | Plants vs. Zombies 2 | Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare | Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare 2 | Plants vs. Zombies Heroes | Plants vs. Zombies: Battle for Neighborville | Plants vs. Zombies 3 Non PopCap: Plants vs. Zombies Match
Vacation Quest: Vacation Quest: Australia | Vacation Quest: The Hawaiian Islands
Zuma: Zuma | Zuma Mobile | Zuma's Revenge! | Zuma Blitz
Other: Alchemy | Allied Star Police | AstroPop | Atomica | Banana Bugs | Big Money! | Bonnie's Bookstore | Candy Train | Cosmic Bugs | Dynomite! | Gyromancer | Hammer Heads | Heavy Weapon | Hidden Identity: Chicago Blackout | Iggle Pop! | Insaniquarium | Lucky Gem Casino | Mars Needs Cows | Mystery Solitaire | Mummy Maze | NingPo MahJong | Noah's Ark | Pixelus | Pizza Frenzy | Rocket Mania! | Seven Seas | Solitaire Blitz | Talismania | TipTop | Typer Shark! | Unpleasant Horse | Venice | Water Bugs | Wizard's Pen | Word Harmony