1902-1905 1905-1937 1937-1963 1963-1982 1982-2010 2010-present
1902-1905 1905-1937 1937-1963 1963-1982 1982-2010 2010-present

Sinalco is a popular brand of non-alcoholic drinks first marketed in 1902, with sales in now more than 40 countries. Sinalco is the oldest soft drink brand in Europe. It is produced by Sinalco International.



Big 1907
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In 1902, the Detmold merchant and drinks specialist Franz Hartmann developed a natural fruit drink from tropical fruits and local fruit types together with the well-known naturopath Friedrich Eduard Bilz in Oberlößnitz (today a district of Radebeul). Based on the basic idea that the mineral salts and fruit acids contained in fruit are health-promoting and that the fructose passes on its energy directly to the blood, the first "Bilz-Brause", the "Bilz-Limetta" was created. In the same year, thanks to a large-scale advertising campaign, Bilz-Brause became the first international non-alcoholic beverage brand of European origin.



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Imitators soon emerged, and in order to prevent this development, a competition was held in 1905 to find a catchy and protectable brand name for the lemonade. This is how the name Sinalco came about (from Latin sine alcohole, without alcohol), which was protected in 1907. Since the company was one of the first beverage brands to export all over the world, including South America and the Middle East, Sinalco succeeded in becoming a global brand in the same year.


Sinalco logo (1937-1963)
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Another milestone in the history of the brand was laid in 1937: the distinctive Sinalco logo, the red dot with the slanting lettering above an outline of the goblet, which was followed in the 1950s by the well-known shaped bottle for Sinalco.


Sinalco logo (1963-1982)
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Sinalco logo (1982-2010)

The brand logo will be remade and adjusted to the spirit of the times, but the red dot-circle as the hallmark of the brand will of course remain the same. In next years, the Chilean brand Bilz y Pap used the same logo as Sinalco's


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And thus, The Red Dot had remade into 3D.
