ESPN India parted ways with Star TV in 2013, and the ESPN Star Sports joint venture came to an end. The Star Sports channels were rebranded on 6 November 2013, with a unified Star Sports brand replacing the individual Star Sports, Star Cricket and ESPN brands. ESPN became Star Sports 4; ESPN HD became Star Sports HD2, which in 2017 became Star Sports 2 HD.
HD: 2015–2017[]
In 2015, before the 2015 Cricket World Cup, Star Sports HD3 and HD4 were launched. However, Star Sports HD4 was shut down in May 2017, and Star Sports 4 became Star Sports 1 Tamil.
Star Sports 1 Tamil[]
The Star Sports network was rebranded for a second time on 28 May 2017. Star Sports 4 SD became Star Sports 1 Tamil, and its HD feed was discontinued. In 2017–19, several other channels in regional languages were launched using the Star Sports 1 name.
An HD version was scheduled to be launched on 1 December 2021 along with an HD version of Star Sports 1 Telugu.[1] However, on 26 November 2021, these launches were indefinitely postponed, due to a delay in the TRAI’s new tariff rules. They are now expected to launch some time in 2022.[2]