Toy Freaks was a controversy YouTube channel run by Gregory Chism, a single father of two living in Granite City, Illinois. The channel was known for its videos featuring Chism and his two daughters in a variety of disturbing situations. It was created in 2012 and stopped production in November 2017.
In November 2017, the Toy Freaks channel was highlighted by James Bridle in a Medium article, in which he wrote that the channel "...specialises in gross-out situations, as well as activities which many, many viewers feel border on abuse and exploitation, if not cross the line entirely, including videos of the children vomiting and in pain." When the channel was terminated by YouTube later that month, it had over 8 million subscribers, and was one of the 100 most-viewed channels on YouTube. YouTube removed the channel for violating its child endangerment policy, which they had recently revised in response to media coverage of supposedly child-friendly videos containing disturbing content on YouTube.