
Not to be confused with Uni-Mart.

1960-1965 1965-1966 1966-1967 1967-1970 1970-1973
1960-1965 1965-1966 1966-1967 1967-1970 1970-1973


Unimart - 1960
Designer:  Unknown
Typography:  Custom
Launched:  October 1960

Unimart was originally a membership-based department store and supermarket chain founded in Chula Vista, California by local grocer Bernard Arenson in 1960. Membership was initially exclusive to members of organized labor and their families. It was then purchased by Food Giant in 1961.


Unimart - 1965x
Designer:  Unknown
Typography:  Custom
Launched:  February 22, 1965

Unimart forwent the members-only model with a grand opening to the public of all stores on February 28, 1965. This logo first appeared on an announcement for it six days earlier.


Unimart - 1966
Designer:  Unknown
Typography:  Times (modified)
Launched:  October 7, 1966

Food Giant and Two Guys parent Vornado, Inc. agreed to a merger on July 10, 1967, which was made effective on September 29, 1967.


Unimart - 1967
Designer:  Unknown
Typography:  Times (modified)
Launched:  October 18, 1967


Unimart - 1971

In August 1973, it was announced that all Unimart stores would be remodeled and reopened as Two Guys locations.

Two Guys