Visi Media Asia or VIVA is Indonesian media company owned and operated by Bakrie Group. It is headquartered in Jakarta and is a publicly traded company listed on the Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI) (IDX:VIVA). VIVA owns two private television stations ANTV, a general television network; and tvOne, a 24 hour television news channel.
Part of Bakrie Group
Subsidiaries: Content production: Broadcast television networks: Digital assets: Other assets: Former/defunct assets: |
Bakrie & Brothers Bakrie Metal Industries (Bakrie Construction | Bakrie Pipe Industries | South East Asia Pipe Industries) | Bakrie Autoparts (Bina Usaha Mandiri Mizusawa | Braja Mukti Cakra) | Bakrie Building Industries (Bangun Bantala) | Bakrie Indo Infrastructure (Bakrie Power | Bakrie Oil & Gas Infrastructure
Bakrieland Telecommunications: Natural resources: Other assets: Former assets: |