This page only shows primary logo variants.
For other related logos and images, see:

Willax Televisión, also known as Willax and stylized as willax is a Peruvian open television channel that officially started on August 18, 2010 as a news channel via streaming and launched on cable television on September 30, 2010, and then was launched on open TDT as a television channel of varied programming by Corporación EW on November 1, 2015.


Willax TV 2010

The recognizable Willax logo made its appearance on the day of its streaming debut. This consisted of a square border made up of multicolored squares of shades of red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, and pink, referencing the NBC logo. On the right, the name "willax" in a typeface similar to Harabara and in black color, where an "a" stands out in the form of an inverted "6" and a "w" with the middle edge rounded and below, the word "TELEVISIÓN" in Myriad Pro typeface and small.


Willax TV 2014

In 2014 (although it was used a year before in some wedges) its already iconic logo was modified, where the tones of the square border become brighter, the word "TELEVISIÓN" is eliminated, causing the word "willax" to increase its size.
