
Xbox 360 SmartGlass[]


Xbox One SmartGlass[]


SmartGlass Logo

Xbox SmartGlass was launched in 2012 as a second screen app for Windows 8 and mobile, and would interact with some 360 games, similar to Sony's Second Screen feature for PlayStation 4. A Xbox One version was later released in 2013.

The Xbox 360 version of SmartGlass was discontinued in 2018, while the Xbox One version was discontinued in June 2021.



Xbox app logo

In 2015, Microsoft would introduce Xbox for Windows 10, which would combine the features of Xbox One SmartGlass and Xbox Games, minus the second screen function. While Xbox One SmartGlass would be a separate app on Windows, the Xbox app was an update to Xbox One SmartGlass on iOS and Android, therefore replacing it.

Xbox Console Companion[]


Xbox Console Comapanion 2019

As Microsoft released the beta version of the new Xbox app for Windows 10 1909, the old Xbox app was rebranded to Xbox Console Companion. The app kept its existing features as the previous one as it doesn't support the Xbox Series X & S consoles and most of its new features such as PC Game Pass and Cloud Gaming are only available on the new app.

Xbox Console Companion was officially deprecated on August 28, 2023.

Xbox Games
Xbox Console Companion
Xbox (2019 app)